A Taste of Vietnam

Depending on how and why you are traveling to Vietnam, whether it is your sole destination or as part of a larger trip across many countries, there are many different visa options for you depending on your particular circumstance. But don’t fret! Here at www.visa-vietnam.org, we are here to help you navigate the process, making it as stress-free as possible so all you have to do is arrive and get eating!

You now having 3 options to get a visa for Vietnam:

- Apply for visa on arrival (citizens of all countries are eligible to apply)

- E-Visa (30 days, single entry) (citizens of selected countries are eligible to apply)

- Apply for a visa at the embassy or consulate of Vietnam.


A Taste of Vietnam

Vietnamese cuisine is celebrated all over the world, you may already have an idea of the beautiful food that this country produces, however it’s not until you get to Vietnam that you can truly appreciate the delicate aromatic flavors that all Vietnamese dishes have.

There are a few stand out things about Vietnamese cuisine - the freshness, the textures and the abundance of herbs and vegetables used. Combined this with perfectly cooked meat, and spices, make Vietnamese food some of the healthiest in the world.

Whether your sat at a little red chair eating at the food stalls that seem to be on every street in the country or in a restaurant on the rooftop of a skyscraper in glitzy Ho Chi Minh City, you will probably be eating a variation of these dishes.

We’ve picked three staples of Vietnamese cuisine to give you an idea of the mouth-watering goodness that awaits you in Vietnam.

Banh Mi


First up is the iconic Banh Mi, the baguette was introduced to Vietnam during the French colonial period, and with it, the Vietnamese have made a sandwich which once you’ve had one you're convinced is the best in the world.

Whether you pick one of these up on your morning commute or go to your favorite stall after a night of reveling, you can find these on almost every street in Vietnam. Each seller makes their Banh Mi in their own way. You want the baguette to be crispy on the outside and warm and soft on the inside. It is usually filled with one of egg, pork meatballs, pate, beef or chicken.  Added to that typically is fish sauce, mayonnaise, coriander, pickled carrot, daikon, cucumber and fresh chili. Our favorite is sliced pork with plenty of pickled carrots, the way these two flavors work together is seriously addictive! The Banh Mi is a classic of Vietnamese cuisine.




This is the national dish of Vietnam and what a dish it is! It is an aromatic, warm noodle soup, served from morning to night, all over the country. Your Pho will be served in a bowl and consists of a broth made from beef or chicken, with coriander, ginger and star anise, which gives it a beautiful aroma. Then soft rice noodles, spring onions, and slices of pork, beef or chicken are added. When you are served your Pho you will often be given a plate of fresh herbs and condiments, jalapeno peppers and lime. This is the fun part. Take the herbs, usually basil, mint, cilantro and bean sprouts and put it into your Pho. Then squeeze that lime over and add the sliced chili to taste.

The process of cooking Pho can take over 12 hours to prepare properly, which gives it a really complex flavor. So when you sit down to eat, make sure to savor every bite.


Goi Cuon


Goi Cuon is sometimes referred to as Vietnamese spring roll or Vietnamese rice paper roll - and is Vietnam’s most famous dish. You may have had this outside of the country but it is not until you get here that you experience the beautifully balanced flavors that true Vietnamese rice paper rolls have. What separates these rice rolls from others are that they are not deep fried, they are served cold with a dipping sauce, this can be a sambal chili, a hoisin fish, or a peanut sauce.

Rice paper rolls are the perfect blend of flavors and textures. Inside the soft rice paper roll, you have the staple vegetables of Vietnam - lettuce, mint, chives, coriander and then a combination of crab, shrimp or pork. The perfect appetizer!

So this is just a small introduction to the foods of Vietnam, really you will have to come here to sample all that this country has to offer! We have just scratched the surface. Each locale has its own particular take on these dishes and many more, and as you travel this country and find new and more beautiful dishes they become so intertwined with your memories of this country that they will truly be meals you never forget. 

Vietnam Visa Information 


Depending on how and why you are traveling to Vietnam, whether it is your sole destination or as part of a larger trip across many countries, there are many different visa options for you depending on your particular circumstance. But don’t fret! Here at www.visa-vietnam.org,we are here to help you navigate the process, making it as stress-free as possible so all you have to do is arrive and get eating!


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